Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Feedback Comics

Feedback for a Growth Mindset

Specific, Substantive, and Timely Feedback

Preemptive Feedback

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Differentiation Based on Pre-assessment

I created a short quiz desgned to provide information about my students' abilites. The skills I targeted were punctuation, grammar, author's task, purpose, and audience, and vocabulary acquisition and use.

How-to Essay Unit PRE-ASSESSMENT

I work in Asia with ELL students, so I wanted to identify the students who are significantly below grade level with the easiest questions.

At our school, many students who are no longer classified as ELLs remain below grade level in ELA. The questions about paragraph structure were aimed at these students, as well as the questions on author's task, purpose, and audience.

Question 7 was intended to tease out the highest-achieving 10% or so of the class. Students who can both spontaneously define synonym and recall a synonym for task will be a significant minority in this population.

Flow chart showing diffferentiation strategies based on quiz results